Cheddar Advertising
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

Search Engine Optimized Content Creation
What we will do:

Cheddar Advertising will create: 10 pieces of content that is optimized for Google, Bing, other search engines, and your potential clients.
This content will be maximized for local search engine indexing as well as copywriting best practices.

Custom Website Design
What We Will Do:
Cheddar Advertising will create a custom designed website that is
Intuitive- Elements were your potential clients expect them (i.e. phone, address, products)
Responsive- Your beautiful website will be as user friendly on tablets and smart-phones as it is on a desktop browser.
Custom design and graphics unique to your business
Basic Social Media Management
What We Will Do:
Cheddar Social will monitor and/or create two social networks on the clients behalf. The client can choose the most relevant social network to their business needs.
Popular choices are Facebook & Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, & LinkedIn.

Local Google AdWords Management
What we will do:

Cheddar Advertising will utilize a specific local AdWords strategy for local business success.
Target potential customers that have an “immediate need” or are “on the move” by using Google Mobile Ads.
Keywords, Ads, and Settings will be specific for local businesses.
AdWords Remarketing

What we will do:
Cheddar Advertising will create a remarketing ad campaign that will show relevant ads to your customers and website visitors.

Why is Ad-words Remarketing Important For Your Business?Remarketing is a feature that lets you reach people who have previously visited your site, and show them relevant ads across the web or when they search on Google.

Google Analytics
What we will do:
Cheddar Advertising will use Google Analytics to track everything…and we mean everything
Real-Time data of how many people are on your site and what they are looking at.
How much traffic your website has had during a certain time period.
Which pages have the most customer engagement.

Business Phone Number